Call for Applications for the upcoming 2nd DeZIM Early Career Scholars’ Conference hosted by InZentIM at the University of Duisburg-Essen / 2. Nachwuchstagung des Deutschen Zentrums für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung
The 2nd DeZIM Early Career Scholars‘ Conference takes place from July 17-19, 2019 at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Early Career Scholars of various disciplines are kindly invited to submit proposals until April 15, 2019.
Please find the Call for Papers here.
DeZIM (Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung) is the German Centre for Integration and Migration Research. Established in 2017, its chief objective is to consolidate and to further the boosting migration and integration research landscape in Germany. Disciplines covered by the institutes of the DeZIM Research Community, one of which being the InZentIM, include political science, sociology, history, cultural studies, linguistics, business studies and economics, health sciences, geography, education sciences, gender studies, psychology, philosophy, media and communication studies, and more. Topics covered include labour market studies, inequality and social cohesion, migration regimes and transnational & global processes, multilingualism, norms, values and approaches in (im)migrant societies, diversity, discrimination, (dis)integration, migration governance, European societies and their political systems, among others.
The conference will have a number of parallel panels where participants can present their paper/presentation slides, but will also include several invited keynote speakers (tba), a workshop session, potentially a poster session, and ample opportunity to mingle. This year, a number of places will be made available to early career scholars from across Europe and the globe in order to be able to engage with the network, to support high-quality research of promising scholars, and to facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and knowledge transfer.
We welcome any contribution that builds upon the original research of the applicant and fits into the research frame of DeZIM as outlined above. For all further information, please see the Call for Papers.