Refugees and Higher Education: Hosting and Integrating Scholars and Students (Universita di Trento)

International Workshop - 10-11 December 2019




Venue: Sociology Building, Via Verdi 26 - Trento, Italy - Room 20 (Aula Andreatta), 2nd floor

Political violence, growing authoritarianism and the ensuing ‘refugee crisis’ have considerably augmented pressure on higher education institutions to integrate displaced students and scholars. The Strategic Directions (2017-2021) of the UNHCR recognise the importance of refugees’ access to university education and research as a fundamental part of its protection and inclusion strategies. Between September 2017 and August 2018, Scholars at Risk (SAR) recorded more than 294 cases of risk for individual scholars or wider educational communities, arising in 47 different countries.  In 2019, it has received 581 requests of assistance from scholars worldwide. 


Attendance to the workshop is free but the registration is mandatory. 




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