PhD - Survey - deadline extension until 20th December


As you may know, one of the core features of the IMISCOE Network is its research infrastructure, which consists of Standing Committees and Research Initiatives. While Standing Committees are permanent clusters, whose aim is to advance research and reflection concerning broad, long-lasting issues in migration studies, Research Initiatives are smaller, short-term initiatives addressing very specific topics.

IMISCOE has recently revised its research infrastructure, updating the overall thematic scope of Standing Committees and of Research Initiatives, as well as their governance rules. You can find the list of the new Standing Committees, as well as their description, at this link:, while the list and descriptions of Research Initiatives are available at this link. One of the goals of this reorganization is ensuring openness and accessibility to Standing Committees and Research Initiatives, in order for them to thrive in the future. To this end, if you currently are a PhD student or have obtained your PhD in 2018 or 2019, we invite you to fill a form (the link is at the bottom of the page), which has been designed to facilitate the prospective, gradual inclusion of early-career scholars in IMISCOE’s Standing Committees and Research Initiatives. If you have obtained your PhD in 2017 or prior to 2017, please do not fill this form, as there will be future opportunities for more experienced researchers to join SCs and RIs (stay tuned!). This form is targeted for current PhDs and for those who have obtained this title very recently: indeed, we would like IMISCOE to provide younger scholars with the possibility to get acquainted with the work of other researchers in their same research area, thus favouring dialogue and exchanges among scholars at different stages of their career and from different disciplines within Standing Committees and Research Initiatives.

In the form, you will be given the possibility to express your interest for either one Standing Committee OR for one Research Initiative and to state your motivation to join the Standing Committee or the Research Initiative you indicate. The form also asks a number of questions concerning your research interests and information on your current position as a PhD student or as a young researcher having recently obtained your PhD (not before 2018). Lastly, the form asks for your name, last name and email address, if you would like to be contacted by the Standing Committee/Research Initiative you are interested in. As Each Standing Committee and Research Initiative has different work practices, goals and work plans, Standing Committees and Research Initiatives will be free to decide how to best reach out to and involve the PhDs who expressed interest in them. However, please fill this form only if you think you would then be able to take part, in the activities organized by the Standing Committee/Research Initiative you are interested in (e.g. by attending/contributing to your SC/RI’s panel at the IMISCOE Annual Conference). Do not sign up if you are afraid you would not be able to somehow attend or contribute to the activities of the Standing Committee/Research Initiative of your interest.

The form is reserved to current PhD students and holders of a PhD who have obtained their PhD during the years 2018-2019. If you wall within these two categories, please do not hesitate to start filling the form! You will have until December 20th, 2019 to fill it!

Please click on the link below to fill in the form:

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