Special Episode (2): Football, Race and Racism


International migration in professional football has brought together players of various racial and ethnic backgrounds. In this second episode of the Culture & Inequality x The Migration Podcast trilogy, we discuss the linkages between race and sport, with a particular focus on football.

International migration applies, in particular, to professional men’s football which has become a highly visible platform for racial/ethnic diversity. While this can lead to interethnic bonding amongst players, we also know how football can be a place where racial/ethnic exclusion and discrimination takes place, This leads us to ask: How do race and ethnicity gain meaning within European football in the 21st century? And as an important sub-question: How does racism manifest itself in the game and what can we do to fight it? To talk about this, Jacco van Sterkenburg (Erasmus University Rotterdam) has invited two experts on the topic, Manou Anselma (VU Amsterdam/Mulier Instituut) and John Olivieira (the Fare network).

Want to learn more about the C&I podcast? Here is their link: https://eucci.eu/podcast/

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Fiona Seiger, Kate Dearden, Asya Pisarevskaya, Milena Belloni, Sarah Vancluysen, and Roos Derrix
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With one new release every month, our episodes will feature people engaged in research all around the world, and across various career stages.