by {expert}Christine Lang|||{/expert} Reflexive approaches in migration studies have revealed the problems of traditional constructions of the objects of migration research. Much less attention has been paid to the subjects doing the research and the...
Organized by PhD members of the IMISCOE Standing Commitee "Reflexivities in Migration Studies", these sessions are designed to be a collaborative platform. Here, early career researchers can present their work, exchange feedback, debate methodological...
IMISCOE Anti-Racism Working Group webinar series: SC Reflexivities in Migration Studies Racism at the border with Kamila Fiałkowska (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw) and Katarzyna Czarnota (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań),...
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Tübingen, 14-15th September 2023 Organized by: Iva Dodevska, Stefan Manser-Egli, Boris Nieswand, Anja Weiß Increased reflexivity in migration research has changed the focus and identity of migration studies. Since...