
IMISCOE publishes a dedicated book series with Springer, which includes Research Monographs and Edited Volumes, targeting a more specialised audience; a Short Migration Reader series, aimed at students and young researchers or practitioners who need a concise and simple introduction into a specific topic; and a Regional Reader series providing access to expert knowledge from different world regions.

This IMISCOE-Springer book series is largely Open Access (in our own digital library and in OAPEN), with entire books and separate chapters available for download for free, thanks to a privileged agreement between IMISCOE and Springer. Open Access is expected to become the standard in academic publishing, as it enables the widest possible access to scientific knowledge. On average, Open Access books on SpringerLink are downloaded 10 times more and cited 2.4 times more than non-OA books. 

For more information on how to submit a book proposal please visit this page.

IMISCOE also sponsors the international, peer reviewed Open Access Journal "Comparative Migration Studies", which provides a platform for articles that focus on comparative research in migration, integration, and race and ethnic relations.