An Introduction to Immigrant Incorporation Studies
European Perspectives

- Category: IMISCOE Textbooks
- Edited by : Marco Martiniello, Jan Rath
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 414
- ISBN: 9789089646484
- Year: 2014
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Focusing mainly on the European experience including Eastern Europe, this important volume offers an advanced introduction to immigrant incorporation studies from a historical, empirical and theoretical perspective. Beyond incorporation theories, renowned scholars in the field explore incorporation in action in different fields, policy issues and normative dimensions.
1 Immigrant Incorporation Studies in Europe: An Introduction
Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath
2 Citizenship Theories and Migration
Thomas Faist and Peter Kivisto
3 Assimilation
Richard Alba and Victor Nee
4 Multicultural Models
John Eade and Paolo Ruspini
5 Race, Racism and Class: Evolving Paradigms and Perspectives
John Solomos
6 Integration and Gender
Marlou Schrover
7 Challenges in the Education of Migrant Children: Creating Opportunities for ‘New’ Citizens
Martha Montero-Sieburth
8 Understanding the Incorporation of Immigrants in European Labour Markets
Michael Samers
9 Immigrant Entrepreneurship
Robert Kloosterman and Jan Rath
10 Immigrants’ Political Incorporation
Irene Bloemraad and Floris Vermeulen
11 Health
Milena Chimienti, David Ingleby and Sandro Cattacin
12 Religion
Valérie Amiraux
13 From Others to Artists? Immigrant and Ethnic Minority Art
Wiebke Sievers
14 Sport and Migration in the Global Context
Richard Giulianotti
15 European Welfare States and Immigrant Incorporation Trajectories
Patrick R. Ireland
16 Between National and Local Integration Policies
Han Entzinger and Peter Scholten
17 Beyond Immigrant Integration Debates and Policies: An EU Multicultural Citizenship?
Marco Martiniello