Migrants and Expats: The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Ilka Steiner, Philippe Wanner
- Publisher: Springer
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2019
This open access book provides insight on current patterns of migration in Switzerland, which fall along a continuum from long-term and permanent to more temporary and fluid. These patterns are shaped by the interplay of legal norms, economic drivers and societal factors. The various dimensions of this Migration-Mobility Nexus are investigated by means of newly collected survey data: the Migration-Mobility Survey.
The book covers different aspects of life in the host country, including the family dimension, the labour market and political participation as well as social integration. The book also takes into account the chronological dimension of migration by considering the migrants’ arrival, their stay, and their expectations regarding return.
Through applying conclusions drawn from the Swiss context to the migration literature on other European and high-income countries, this book contributes to new knowledge on current migration processes in high-income countries. As such it will be a valuable reference work to scholars and students in migration, social scientists and policy makers.
- Today’s Migration-Mobility Nexus in Switzerland
Gianni D’Amato, Philippe Wanner, Ilka Steiner
Pages 3-20 - Surveying Migrants in Europe. Experiences of the Swiss Migration-Mobility Survey
Ilka Steiner, Aljoscha Landös
Pages 21-54 - Who Receives More Help? The Role of Employer Support in Migration Processes
Laure Sandoz, Fabian Santi
Pages 57-81 - Who Are the Serial Movers? Sociodemographic Profiles and Reasons to Migrate to Switzerland Among Multiple International Migrants
Jonathan Zufferey
Pages 83-100 - Integration of Recently Arrived Migrants in the Swiss Labour Market – Do the Reasons for Migration Matter?
Philippe Wanner - Employment Trajectories of Recent Immigrants in Switzerland
Elena Vidal-Coso
Pages 123-159 - Does the Recognition of Foreign Credentials Decrease the Risk for Immigrants of Being Mismatched in Education or Skills?
Marco Pecoraro, Philippe Wanner
Pages 161-186 - Immigrants’ Feelings of Attachment to Switzerland: Does the Cantonal Context Matter?
Salomon Bennour, Anita Manatschal
Pages 189-220 - Who Feels Disadvantaged? Reporting Discrimination in Surveys
Daniel Auer, Didier Ruedin
Pages 221-242 - Skill Levels as a Political Resource: Political Practices of Recent Migrants in Switzerland
Metka Hercog
Pages 243-263 - How Transnational are Migrants in Switzerland? An Analysis of the Migration-Mobility-Transnationality Nexus
Eric Crettaz, Janine Dahinden
Pages 267-291 - Immigrants’ Intentions – Leaning Towards Remigration or Naturalization?
Ilka Steiner
Pages 293-314 - Conclusions
Philippe Wanner, Ilka Steiner
Pages 317-328
- This open access book sheds light on how economic drivers, societal factors and legal norms shape today’s migration patterns
- Provides new insights into new migration patterns and integration processes in a high-income country with high levels of immigration
- Written from a pluri-disciplinary perspective it helps identify approaches and solutions which can enhance immigrants’ integration
- Based on the Migration-Mobility Survey