Acquisition and Loss of Nationality|Volume 1: Comparative Analyses
Policies and Trends in 15 European Countries

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Rainer Bauböck , Harald Waldrauch, Eva Ersbøll, Kees Groenendijk
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 500
- ISBN: 9789053569207
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2006
Rainer Bauböck, Eva Ersbøll, Kees Groenendijk and Harald Waldrauch
1 Nationality in public international law and european law
Kay Hailbronner
2 Methodology for comparing acquisition and loss of nationality
Harald Waldrauch
3 Acquisition of nationality
Harald Waldrauch
4 Loss of nationality
Harald Waldrauch
5 Administrative practices in the acquisition of nationality
Isabelle Chopin
6 Statistics on acquisition and loss of nationality
Harald Waldrauch
7 European trends in nationality law
Betty de Hart and Ricky van Oers
8 Rights of expatriates, multiple citizens and restricted citizenship for certain nationals
Harald Waldrauch
9 The legal integration of potential citizens: Denizens in the EU in the final years before the implementation of the 2003 Directive on long-term resident third country nationals
Kees Groenendijk
10 The status of quasi-citizenship in EU member states: Why some states have ‘almost-citizens’
Kees Groenendijk
11 Evaluation and recommendations
Rainer Bauböck and Bernhard Perchinig