Citizenship Policies in the New Europe
Expanded and Updated Edition

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 464
- ISBN: 9789089641083
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2009
The two most recent EU enlargements in May 2004 and in January 2007 have greatly increased the diversity of historic experiences and contemporary conceptions of statehood, nation-building and citizenship within the Union. How did newly formed states determine who would become their citizens? How do countries relate to their large emigrant communities, to ethnic kin minorities in neighbouring countries and to minorities in their own territory? And to which extent have their citizenship policies been affected by new immigration and integration into the European Union? Citizenship Policies in the New Europe describes the citizenship laws in each of the twelve new countries as well as in the accession states Croatia and Turkey and analyses their historical background. Citizenship Policies in the New Europe complements two volumes on Acquisition and Loss of Nationality in the fifteen old Member States published in the same series in 2006.
Introduction: Altneuländer or the vicissitudes of citizenship in the new EU states
Andre Liebich
1 Estonian citizenship: Between ethnic preferences and democratic obligations
Priit Järve
2 Checks and balances in Latvian nationality policies: National agendas and international frameworks
Kristıne Kruma
3 Lithuanian nationality: Trump card to independence and its current challenges
Kristıne Kruma
4 Same letter, new spirit: Nationality regulations and their implementation in Poland
Agata Górny and Dorota Pudzianowska
5 Kin-state responsibility and ethnic citizenship: The Hungarian case
Mária M. Kovács, Judit Tóth
6 Politics of citizenship in post-communist Romania: Legal traditions, restitution of nationality and multiple memberships
Constantin Iordachi
7 The politics of Bulgarian citizenship: National identity, democracy and other uses
Daniel Smilov and Elena Jileva
8 Czech citizenship legislation between past and future
Andrea Baršová
9 The Slovak question and the Slovak answer: Citizenship during the quest for national self-determination and after
Dagmar Kusá
10 From civic to ethnic community? The evolution of Slovenian citizenship
Felicita Medved
11 Croatian citizenship: From ethnic engineering to inclusiveness
Francesco Ragazzi and Igor Štiks
12 Malta’s citizenship law: Evolution and current regime
Eugene Buttigieg
13 Nationality and citizenship in Cyprus since 1945: Communal citizenship, gendered nationality and the adventures of a post-colonial subject in a divided country
Nicos Trimikliniotis
14 Changing conceptions of citizenship in Turkey
Zeynep Kadirbeyoglu
‘A call to kinship’? Citizenship and migration in the new Member States and the accession countries of the EU
Wiebke Sievers