Colonial and Post-Colonial Governance of Islam
Continuities and Ruptures

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Veit Bader, Marcel Maussen, Annelies Moors
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 260
- ISBN: 9789089643568
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2011
The contributors analyse the mutual impact of colonial and postcolonial governance on the development, organisation and mobilisation of Islam paying special attention to the ongoing battles over the codification of Islamic education, religious authority, law and practice while outlining the similarities and differences, the continuities and ruptures in British, French and Portuguese colonial rule in Islamic regions. Using a shared conceptual framework they examine the nature of regulation and its outcomes in different historical periods in selected African, Middle Eastern, Asian and European countries. This authoritative study opens up new vistas for research in Islamic studies.
1. Introduction
Marcel Maussen and Veit Bader
2. Governance of Islam in colonial Mozambique
Liazzat J. K. Bonate
3. Educating Sudanese ulama for colonial sharia
Shamil Jeppie
4. Ruptures? Governance in Husaynid-Colonial Tunisia, c. 1870–1914
Julia Clancy-Smith
5. Governening Islam by tribes and constitutions: British mandate rule in Iraq
Michiel Leezenberg and Mariwan Kanie
6. The idea of a Muslim community: British India, 1857–1906
Faisal Devji
7. Colonial Traces? Islamic dress, gender and the public presence of Islam
Annelies Moors
8. Seeing like an expert, failing like a state? Interpreting the fate of a satellite town in early post-colonial Pakistan
Markus Daechsel
9. Continuities and ruptures in the governance of Islam in Malaysia
Karen Meerschaut and Serge Gutwirth
10. Angare, the 'burning embers' of Muslim political resistance: Colonial and post-colonial regulation of Islam in Britain
Maleiha Malik
11. Portuguese colonialism and the Islamic community of Lisbon
Mário Artur Machaquiero
12. Conclusion
Veit Bader and Marcel Maussen