Diaspora and Transnationalism
Concepts, Theories and Methods

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Thomas Faist, Rainer Bauböck
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 360
- ISBN: 9789089642387
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2010
Diaspora and transnationalism are widely used concepts in academic as well as political discourses. Although originally referring to quite different phenomena, they increasingly overlap today. Such inflation of meanings goes hand in hand with a danger of essentialising collective identities. This book therefore analyses diaspora and transnationalism as research perspectives rather than as characteristics of particular social groups. The contributions focus on conceptual uses, theoretical challenges and methodological innovations in the study of social ties that transcend nation and state boundaries. This volume brings together authors from a wide range of fields and approaches in the social sciences, as studying border-crossing affiliations also requires a crossing of disciplinary boundaries.
Chapter 1 Diaspora and transnationalism: What kind of dance partners?
Thomas Faist
Chapter 2 Diasporas, transnational spaces and communities
Michel Bruneau
Chapter 3 The dynamics of migrants' transnational formations: Between mobility and locality
Janine Dahinden
Chapter 4 Instrumentalising diasporas for development: International and European policy discourses
Agnieszka Weinar
Chapter 5 Interrogating diaspora: Power and conflict in Peruvian migration
Karsten Paerregaard
Chapter 6 A global perspective on transnational migration: Theorising migration without methodological nationalism
Nina Glick Schiller
Chapter 7 Bridging the divide: Towards a comparative framework for understanding kin state and migrant-sending state diaspora politics
Myra A. Waterbury
Chapter 8 Diasporas and international politics: Utilising the universalistic creed of liberalism for particularistic and nationalist purposes
Maria Koinova
Chapter 9 Diaspora, migration and transationalism: Insights from the study of second-generation 'returnees"
Russell King and Anastasia Christou
Chapter 10 Private, public or both? On the scope and impact of transnationalism in immigrants' everyday lives
Paolo Boccagni
Chapter 11 Operationalising transnational migrant networks through a simultaneous matched sample methodology
Valentina Mazzucato
Chapter 12 Transnational research collaboration: An approach to the study of co-publications between overseas Chinese scientists and their mainland colleagues
Koen Jonkers
Chapter 13 The internet as a means of studying transnationalism and diaspora
Kathrin Kissau and Uwe Hunger
Chapter 14 Transnational links and practices of migrants' organisations in Spain
Laura Morales and Laia Jorba
Chapter 15 Cold constellations and hot identities: Political theory questions about transnationalism and diaspora
Rainer Bauböck