International Migration in Europe
New Trends and New Methods of Analysis

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Patrick Simon, Jeannette Schoorl, Corrado Bonifazi, Marek Okólski
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 344
- ISBN: 9789048520602
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2008
Over the past twenty years, international migration issues become inescapably prominent in European public debate. Issues about the arrival of new immigrants and the problems of integration processes are rooted in the deep and vast changes that have characterized the recent history of European international migration. This volume addresses aspects of this migration through a variety of disciplinary perspectives, devoting particular attention to new forms of migration, the evolution of regional patterns, and the intergenerational process of migrant integration.
1 Introduction
Corrado Bonifazi, Marek Okolski, Jeannette Schoorl and Patrick Simon
2 Managing new migrations in Europe: Concept and reality in the ICT sector
John Salt
3 On the demand side of international labour mobility: The structure of the German labour market as a causal factor of seasonal Polish migration
Barbara Dietz and Pawel Kaczmarczyk
4 Migrant smuggling and trafficking in Portugal: Immigrants, networks, policies and labour markets since the 1990s
Joao Peixoto
5 Romanian migration movements: Networks as informal transnational organisations
Swanie Potot
6 Evolution of regional patterns of international migration in Europe
Corrado Bonifazi
7 Long-term international migration scenarios for Euorpe, 2002-2052
Jakub Bijak, Anna Kicinger, Dorata Kupiszewska and Marek Kupiszewski
8 Foreign immigration in Southern European receiving countries: New evidence from national data sources
Alessio Cnagiano and Salvatore Strozza
9 The post-enlargement migration space
Paolo Ruspini
10 The integration of migrants in the Netherlands monitored over time: Trend and cohort analyses
Rob V. Bijil, Aslan Zorlu, Roel P.W. Jennissen and Martine Blom
11 What integrates the second generation? Factors affecting family transitions to adulthood in Sweden
Calvin Goldscheider, Eva Bernhardt and Frances Goldscheider
12 Discrimination despite integration: Immigrants and the second generation in education and the labour market in France
Dominque Meurs, Ariane Pailhe and Patrick Simon
13 One-way or both-ways migration surveys
Jean Louis Rallu
14 Design of samples for international migration surveys: Methodological considerations and lessons learned from amulti-country study in Africa and Europe
George Groenewold and Richard Bilsborrow
15 Quality of asylum decisions: Uses and limitations of surveys of asylum case files
Isik Kulu-Glasgow