Integrating Immigrants in Europe
Research-Policy Dialogues

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Stijn Verbeek, Rinus Penninx, Han Entzinger, Peter Scholten
- Publisher: Springer
- Pages: 343
- ISBN: 978-3-319-16255-3
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2015
This book explores how research and policymaking in the field of migrant integration have developed historically and how this interrelationship plays out in the strongly politicised climate of opinions on migration in Europe. It features interdisciplinary theoretical contributions as well as original empirical studies on research-policy dialogues at both the EU and country level.
The chapters study not only how the dialogue between research and policy is structured (such as advisory bodies, research agencies, and ad-hoc committees), but also how these dialogues affect policymaking and the development of migrant integration research itself as well.
The analysis reveals profound changes in the dialogue structures associated with the research-policy nexus in the domain of migrant integration. On the one hand, dialogue structures have become more ad-hoc, often established in response to distinct political events or to specific problems. On the other, politicisation has not thwarted all efforts to develop more institutionalised dialogue structures between producers and users of knowledge. In addition, research has contributed to policymaking in very different ways in various European countries.
This edited volume is unique in this effort to reflect on the impact of research-policy dialogues both on the development of migrant integration policies as well as on migrant integration research. It will be of importance to scholars in this field as well as to policymakers and other stakeholders involved in migrant integration policymaking.
1 Research-Policy Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe: A Conceptual Framework and Key Questions
Scholten, Peter (et al.)
2 Cultures of Knowledge Use in Policymaking: The Functions of Research in German and UK Immigration Policy
Boswell, Christina
3 Migration Statistics in Europe: A Core Component of Governance and Population Research
Kraler, Albert (et al.)
4 The Coproduction of National Models of Integration: A View from France and the Netherlands
Bertossi, Christophe (et al.)
5 Consultative Commissions and the Rethinking of Integration Policies in the Netherlands and Germany: The Blok Commission and the Süssmuth Commission Compared
Schneider, Jan (et al.)
6 European Cities in Search of Knowledge for Their Integration Policies
Penninx, Rinus
7 EU Policymaking and Research: Case Studies of the Communication on a Community Immigration Policy and the Common Basic Principles for Integration
Pratt, Sandra
8 Speaking Truth to Power? Why Civil Society, Beyond Academia, Remains Marginal in EU Migration Policy
Singleton, Ann
9 Research-Policy Dialogues in Austria
Borkert, Maren
10 Research-Policy Dialogues in Italy
Caponio, Tiziana
11 Research-Policy Dialogues in Germany
Heckmann, Friedrich (et al.)
12 Research-Policy Dialogues in the Netherlands
Verbeek, Stijn (et al.)
13 Research-Policy Dialogues in the United Kingdom
Hunter, Alistair (et al.)
14 Research-Policy Dialogues in Poland
Pawlak, Mikołaj
15 Research-Policy Dialogues in Denmark
Jørgensen, Martin Bak
16 Research-Policy Dialogues in the European Union
Geddes, Andrew (et al.)
17 Research-Policy Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe: Comparison and Conclusions
Scholten, Peter (et al.)