An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
European Perspectives

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Anna Amelina, Kenneth Horvath, Bruno Meeus
- Publisher: Springer
- Pages: 361
- ISBN: 978-3-319-23666-7
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2016
The contributions of this book examine contemporary dynamics of migration and mobility in the context of the general societal transformations that have taken place in Europe over the past few decades. The book will help readers to better understand the manifold ways in which migration trends in the region are linked to changing political-economic constellations, orders of power and inequality, and political discourses. It begins with an introduction to a number of theoretical approaches that address the nexus between migration and general societal shifts, including processes of supranationalisation, EU enlargement, postsocialist transformations and rescaling. It then provides a comprehensive overview of the political regulation of migration through border control and immigration policies. The contributions that follow detail the dynamic changes of individual migration patterns and their implications for the agency of mobile individuals. The final part challenges the reader to consider how policies and practices of migration are linked to symbolic struggles over belonging and rights, describing a wide range of expressions of such conflicts, from cosmopolitanism to racism and xenophobia. This book is aimed at researchers in various fields of the social sciences and can be used as course reading for undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of international migration, transnational and European studies. It will be a beneficial resource for scholars looking for material on the most current conceptual tools for analysis of the nexus of migration and societal transformation in Europe.
1 Migration and Social Transformation: Interdisciplinary Insights and European Perspectives
Amelina, Anna (et al.)
2 Understanding Global Migration: A Social Transformation Perspective
Castles, Stephen
3 Theorizing About Change: The Promise of Comparative Political Economy for Migration Studies
Menz, Georg
4 Turning to Grand Theory: Cultural Political Economy and the Regulation of Immigration
Puymbroeck, Nicolas
5 Reflecting on Spatiality in European Migration Research: From Methodological Nationalism to Space-Sensitive Observations of Social Transformations
Scheibelhofer, Elisabeth
6 Migration and Postsocialism: A Relational-Geography Approach
Meeus, Bruno
7 The Europeanization of Immigration Policies
Abdou, Leila Hadj
8 New Guest Worker Regimes?
Samers, Michael
9 Identity Check: Smart Borders and Migration Management as Touchstones for EU-Readiness and - Belonging
Geiger, Martin
10 Border/Control
Walters, William
11 Social Transformation, Subjectification, and Labour Migration: Theorizing the Heterogeneity of Migration Flows in the Current Italian Crisis
Tomei, Gabriele
12 Cross-Border Commuting and Transformational Dynamics in Europe: What Is the Link?
Wiesböck, Laura (et al.)
13 Portability of Social Protection in the European Union
Moriarty, Elaine (et al.)
14 International Retirement Migration: Transforming Societies Through Purchasing Power?
Herzog, Benno
15 International Students and Cosmopolitanisms: Educational Mobility in a Global Age
Bilecen, Başak
16 ‘Good Motherhood’ – A Dilemma for Migrant Women from Eastern Europe
Lutz, Helma
17 Struggles at the Boundaries of Neoliberal Citizenship: Theorizing Immigrant-Led Movements in Contemporary Europe
Oliveri, Federico
18 ‘Islamophobism’ as an Ideology in the West: Scapegoating Migrants of Muslim Origin
Kaya, Ayhan
19 ‘How Would You React If You Learned That Your Son Was Gay?’ Racialized Sexualities and the Production of Migrant Others in Europe
Scheibelhofer, Paul
20 Locating Migrant Pathways of Economic Emplacement: Thinking Beyond the Ethnic Lens
Schiller, Nina Glick (et al.)
21 Mediated Communication and Migration in Europe: A Contribution to the Ongoing Debate
Drüeke, Ricarda
22 The ‘European’ Question: Migration, Race, and Post-Coloniality in ‘Europe’
Genova, Nicholas