South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis

- Category: IMISCOE Research Series
- Edited by : Jean-Michel Lafleur, Mikolaj Stanek
- Publisher: Springer
- ISBN: 978-3-319-39761-0 (Print) 978-3-319-39763-4 (Online)
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2017
This open access book looks at the migration of Southern European EU citizens (from Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece) who move to Northern European Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, United Kingdom) in response to the global economic crisis.
Its objective is twofold. First, it identifies the scale and nature of this new Southern European emigration and examines these migrants’ socio-economic integration in Northern European destination countries. This is achieved through an analysis of the most recent data on flows and profiles of this new labour force using sending-country and receiving-country databases. Second, it looks at the politics and policies of immigration, both from the perspective of the sending- and receiving-countries. Analysing the policies and debates about these new flows in the home and host countries’ this book shows how contentious the issue of intra-EU mobility has recently become in the context of the crisis when the right for EU citizens to move within the EU had previously not been questioned for decades.
Overall, the strength of this edited volume is that it compiles in a systematic way quantitative and qualitative analysis of these renewed Southern European migration flows and draws the lessons from this changing climate on EU migration.
1 EU Migration and the Economic Crisis: Concepts and Issues
Lafleur, Jean-Michel (et al.)
2 From International Migration to Freedom of Movement and Back? Southern Europeans Moving North in the Era of Retrenchment of Freedom of Movement Rights
Barbulescu, Roxana
3 Immobility in Times of Crisis? The Case of Greece
Mavrodi, Georgia (et al.)
4 Emigration from Italy After the Crisis: The Shortcomings of the Brain Drain Narrative
Tintori, Guido (et al.)
5 Structural Emigration: The Revival of Portuguese Outflows
Marques, José Carlos (et al.)
6 Is Spain Becoming a Country of Emigration Again? Data Evidence and Public Responses
Bermudez, Anastasia (et al.)
7 Restrictions on Access to Social Protection by New Southern European Migrants in Belgium
Lafleur, Jean-Michel (et al.)
8 Southern Europeans in France: Invisible Migrants?
Eremenko, Tatiana (et al.)
9 Gastarbeiter Migration Revisited: Consolidating Germany’s Position as an Immigration Country
Koppenfels, Amanda Klekowski (et al.)
10 UK: Large-Scale European Migration and the Challenge to EU Free Movement
D’Angelo, Alessio (et al.)
11 South-North Labour Migration Within the Crisis-Affected European Union: New Patterns, New Contexts and New Challenges
Lafleur, Jean-Michel (et al.)
12 Lessons from the South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
Lafleur, Jean-Michel (et al.)