Comparative Migration Studies, Volume 7

- Category: Journal CMS
- Publisher: Springer
- Library: Journal Comparative Migration Studies
- Year: 2019
Comparative Migration Studies (CMS) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal that provides a platform for articles that focus on comparative research in migration, integration, and race and ethnic relations. It presents readers with an extensive collection of comparative analysis, including studies between countries, groups, levels, and historical periods. CMS publishes research based on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies. Contributions cover a wide disciplinary angle across the social sciences and the humanities. We are looking for articles that push present understanding of migration integration, and race and ethnic relations in new conceptual, methodological, and empirical directions.
Topics include, but are not limited to: migration and integration in relation to citizenship, national identity, refugee and asylum policy, social movements (pro and anti-immigration), gender, racialization, whiteness, ethnic and religious diversity and (post)colonialism.
- Externalization at work: responses to migration policies from the Global South
Inka Stock, Ayşen Üstübici & Susanne U. Schultz - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - Gendered dynamics of transnational social protection
Başak Bilecen, Karolina Barglowski, Thomas Faist & Eleonore Kofman - Special Issue: Gendered dynamics of migration and transnational social protection - - The impact of externalized migration governance on Turkey: technocratic migration governance and the production of differentiated legal status
Ayşen Üstübici - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - Contested externalisation: responses to global inequalities
Thomas Faist - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - Transnational migration, health and well-being: Nigerian parents in Ireland and the Netherlands
Allen White, Bilisuma B. Dito, Angela Veale & Valentina Mazzucato - - Citizenship acquisition of Turkish immigrants in Canada and Germany: a comparative analysis
Deniz Yetkin Aker - - Stratified membership: health care access for urban refugees in Turkey
Wanda Spahl & August Österle - - How much can you take with you? The role of education in explaining differences in the risk of unemployment between migrants and natives
Héctor Cebolla-Boado, María Miyar-Busto & Jacobo Muñoz-Comet - - Second generation from refugee backgrounds in Europe
Milena Chimienti, Alice Bloch, Laurence Ossipow & Catherine Wihtol de Wenden - Special Issue: Second Generation Refugees in Europe: The Legacy of Refugee Background - - Refugee immigration and the growth of low-wage work in the EU15
Lars Fredrik Andersson, Rikard Eriksson & Sandro Scocco - - Mapping differential vulnerabilities and rights: ‘opening’ access to social protection for forcibly displaced populations
Rachel Sabates-Wheeler - Special Issue: Gendered dynamics of migration and transnational social protection - - Unpacking domestic preferences in the policy-‘receiving’ state: the EU’s migration cooperation with Senegal and Ghana
Melissa Mouthaan - - New directions in migration studies: towards methodological de-nationalism
Bridget Anderson - Special Issue: Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches - - The momentum of transnational social spaces in Mexico-US-migration
Ludger Pries - - How do refugees affect social life in host communities? The case of Congolese refugees in Rwanda
Veronika Fajth, Özge Bilgili, Craig Loschmann & Melissa Siegel - - Rejoinder: Migration studies: an imposition
Willem Schinkel - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - From culture to class - legitimate boundary making in German immigration debates on Southern and Eastern Europeans
Christian Ulbricht - - Accessing Sub-Saharan African migrant group for public health interventions, promotion, and research: the 5-wave-approach
Adekunle Adedeji - - The relational dimension of externalizing border control: selective visa policies in migration and border diplomacy
Lena Laube - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - Young refugees in education: the particular challenges of school systems in Europe
Claudia Koehler & Jens Schneider - Special Issue: Second Generation Refugees in Europe: The Legacy of Refugee Background - - Es cosa suya: entanglements of border externalization and African transit migration in northern Costa Rica
Nanneke Winters & Cynthia Mora Izaguirre - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - Lost in limbo? Navigating (im)mobilities and practices of appropriation of non-deportable refugees in the Mediterranean area
Sarah Nimführ & Buba Sesay - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length - - From controlling mobilities to control over women’s bodies: gendered effects of EU border externalization in Morocco
Elsa Tyszler - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - The impact of the financial crisis on European attitudes toward immigration
Joachim Vogt Isaksen - - Problems of and solutions for the study of immigrant integration
Rinus Penninx - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - Has the World Cup become more migratory? A comparative history of foreign-born players in national football teams, c. 1930-2018
Gijs van Campenhout, Jacco van Sterkenburg & Gijsbert Oonk - - Integration: twelve propositions after Schinkel
Adrian Favell - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - Relational integration: a response to Willem Schinkel
Lea M. Klarenbeek - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - Racialization in Switzerland: experiences of children of refugees from Kurdish, Tamil and Vietnamese backgrounds
Laurence Ossipow, Anne-Laure Counilh & Milena Chimienti - Special Issue: Second Generation Refugees in Europe: The Legacy of Refugee Background - - Of straw figures and multi-stakeholder monitoring – a response to Willem Schinkel
Fran Meissner - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - Managing or restricting movement? Diverging approaches of African and European migration governance
Franzisca Zanker - - Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies
Sawitri Saharso - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - Immigrant integration: the governance of ethno-cultural differences
Leila Hadj Abdou - Commentary Series: Who needs integration? Debating a central, yet increasingly contested concept in migration studies - - The more things change, the more they stay the same? The impact of formalising policies on personalisation in paid domestic work - the case of the service voucher in Belgium
Anna Safuta & Beatriz Camargo - Special Issue: Gendered dynamics of migration and transnational social protection - - Extraterritoriality of European borders to Turkey: an implementation perspective of counteractive strategies
Sibel Karadağ - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - ‘Altın Günü’: migrant women’s social protection networks
Başak Bilecen - Special Issue: Gendered dynamics of migration and transnational social protection - - How the different policies and school systems affect the inclusion of Syrian refugee children in Sweden, Germany, Greece, Lebanon and Turkey
Maurice Crul, Frans Lelie, Özge Biner, Nihad Bunar, Elif Keskiner, Ifigenia Kokkali, Jens Schneider & Maha Shuayb - Special Issue: Second Generation Refugees in Europe: The Legacy of Refugee Background - - Suppressing transnationalism: bringing constraints into the study of transnational political action
Ali R. Chaudhary & Dana M. Moss - - New contested borderlands: Senegalese migrants en route to Argentina
Ida Marie Savio Vammen - Special Issue: Externalization at Work: Responses to Migration Policies from the Global South - - Re-writing the domestic role: transnational migrants’ households between informal and formal social protection in Ecuador and in Spain
Simone Castellani & Emma Martín-Díaz - Special Issue: Gendered dynamics of migration and transnational social protection - - “This is not a career move” - accompanying partners’ labour market participation after migration
Stefanie Föbker - - Migration patterns and emigrants’ transnational activities: comparative findings from two migrant origin areas in Ethiopia
Girmachew Adugna - - Mare nostrum: the political ethics of migration in the Mediterranean
Rainer Bauböck - Special Issue: Migration research in the Mediterranean in perspective: variable focal length - - Living for the neighborhood: marginalization and belonging for the second-generation in Berlin and Paris
Christine Barwick & Jean Beaman -
- Remote fatherhood and visiting husbands: seasonal migration and men’s position within families
Kamila Fiałkowska - Special Issue: Gendered dynamics of migration and transnational social protection -