Comparative Migration Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3
Special Issue: Transnationalism in a Comparative Perspective

- Category: Journal CMS
- Edited by : Linda Bakker, Godfried Engbersen
- Publisher: AUP
- Pages: 136
- ISBN: ISSN: 2214-8590 (print) / 2214-594x (online)
- Library: Journal Comparative Migration Studies
- Year: 2014
Comparative Migration Studies (CMS) is an international, peer-reviewed journal for comparative research in the field of migration, integration and ethnic studies. CMS distinguishes itself on the following points: An explicit comparative orientation. We believe that a focus on comparative research can promote the theoretical development of migration studies. This can involve various types of comparative studies (between countries, groups, levels, historical periods). A wide disciplinary angle. CMS aims to develop a wider disciplinary angle than most existing journals: besides sociology, political science and anthropology, the journal also aims at economics and law. An open access journal. We believe open access nowadays is the best way to get the widest possible exposure for the work published in our journal. Publishing your articles with CMS means that other scholar will have easy access to your work and will be more likely to read it and refer to it. The field of comparative migration studies has evolved rapidly in recent decades, with contributions from a variety of disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, political sciences, law and economics. In methodological terms, migration studies has also become an increasingly diverse field. Comparative Migration Studies aims to reflect these developments and welcomes research based on qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. Contributions are invited in particular on the following topics: migration, integration, assimilation, migration policies, incorporation policies, governance of migration and integration, ethnic/cultural/religious diversity, migrant rights, gender & migration, migration & citizenship, migration & national identity, migration & security, civic integration, nationalism and migration, ethnic entrepreneurship.
- Transnationalism in a Comparative Perspective: An Introduction (pp. 255-260)
Godfried Engbersen, Linda Bakker, Marta Bivand Erdal & Özge Bilgili - In Exile and in Touch: Transnational Activities of Refugees in a Comparative Perspective (pp. 261-282)
Linda Bakker, Godfried Engbersen & Jaco Dagevos - Migrants’ Multi-Sited Social Lives Interactions between Sociocultural Integration and Homeland Engagement (pp. 283-304)
Özge Bilgili - Transnational Behavior in Comparative Perspective The Relationship between Immigrant Integration and Transnationalism in New York, El Paso, and Paris (pp. 305-334)
Ernesto Castañeda, Maria Cristina Morales & Olga Ochoa - Understanding Different Post-Return Experiences The Role of Preparedness, Return Motives and Family Expectations for Returned Migrants in Morocco (pp. 335-360)
Masja van Meeteren, Godfried Engbersen, Erik Snel & Marije Faber - 'This is My Home'. Pakistani and Polish Migrants Return Considerations as Articulations About 'Home' (pp. 361-384)
Marta Bivand Erdal