Migration, Agriculture and Rural Development

- Category: IMISCOE Short Readers on Migration
- Edited by : Michele Nori, Domenica Farinella
- Publisher: Springer
- Library: IMISCOE Research Series
- Year: 2020
This open access short reader looks into the dynamics which have reshaped rural development and human landscapes in European agriculture and the role of immigrant people. Within this framework it analyses contemporary rural migrations and the emergence of immigrants in relation to the incorporation of agrarian systems into global markets, the European agricultural governance (CAP), and the struggle of local territories as differentiated practices in constant stress between innovation and resilience. It specifically explores the case of immigrant shepherds to describe the reconfiguration of agriculture systems and rural landscapes in Europe following intense immigration and the related provision of skilled labour at a relatively low cost. Being written in a very accessible way, this reader is an interesting read to students, researchers, academics, policy makers, and practitioners.
- This open access short reader analyses contemporary rural migrations in a very accessible way
- Describes the reconfiguration of agriculture systems and rural landscapes following intense immigration
- Addresses non-intensive agricultural systems and more marginal rural settings
- Examines the relevance of migrant communities to EU agro-pastoralism