Just Published in the IMISCOE Textbook Series

An Introduction to International Migration Studies: European Perspectives

Edited by Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath

January 2013
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 456 5
Paperback 388 pages
€ 42.50

IMISCOE and Amsterdam University Press are pleased to announce publication of this second volume in the IMISCOE Textbook Series. Intended for advanced students of international migration, this 15-chapter volume presents theoretical and empirical perspectives on a range of central topics. The main focus is on European experiences, including Eastern Europe, thus filling a longstanding gap in the field. Unlike people, theories and concepts do not travel easily. This means that scholarship oriented towards countries with longer, older narratives of immigration is not necessarily applicable on all continents.

The first IMISCOE Textbook answered the pressing need for a European perspective on migration. This second volume continues the tradition, offering insights on theoretical perspectives, types of migration and regulation of migration in an accessible textbook format.

Contents: 1. An introduction to international migration studies: European perspectives (Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath). 2. Beyond ‘push-pull’: The economic approach to modelling migration (Dragos Radu and Thomas Straubhaar).  3. Historical-structural models of international migration (Ewa Morawska). 4. Social networks and international migration (Monica Boyd and Joanne Nowak). 5. Transnational migration (Eva Østergaard-Nielsen). 6. Jus sanguinis  and jus soli: Aspects of ethnic migration and immigration policies in EU states (Eftihia Voutira). 7. Migration and social transformation (Stephen Castles). 8. Guest worker migration in post-war Europe, 1946-1974: An analytical appraisal (Ahmet Akgündüz). 9. Skilled migration in Europe and beyond: Recent developments and theoretical considerations (Aimee Kuvik). 10. Environmental migration (François Gemenne). 11. Student migration (Russell King and Allan Findlay). 12. Sunset migration (Russell King). 13. Undocumented migration: An explanatory framework (Joanne van der Leun and Maria Ilies). 14. Whither EU immigration and asylum after the Lisbon Treaty? (Elspeth Guild). 15. The regulation of undocumented migration (Giuseppe Sciortino).

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