New IMISCOE Research Titles

Secularism, Assimilation and the Crisis of Multiculturalism: French Modernist Legacies

By Yolande Jansen

Fall 2013
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 596 8
Paperback 336 pages

Open Access

This remarkable book develops a political theoretical critique of contemporary discourses on secularism and assimilation. Jansen argues that the perspective of assimilating distinct ethno-religious minorities by incorporating them into a secular and supposedly neutral public sphere may be self-subverting, and can generate and perpetuate the very distinctions it is meant to overcome. To flesh out this insight she borrows from the literature on the paradoxes of assimilation as experienced by the French Jews in the late 19th century, through a contextualised reading of Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time. Jansen offers a dynamic, critical multiculturalism as an alternative to discourses focusing on secularism, assimilation and integration.

Yolande Jansen is a senior researcher at the Amsterdam Center for Globalisation Studies, Philosophy Department, University of Amsterdam. She is also a Socrates professor of humanism in relation to religion and secularity at the VU University Amsterdam.

"Jansen’s book shows how even the most sophisticated academic views defending secularism and assimilation remain rooted in unexamined ‘modernist dichotomies’ inherited from French (and to some extent, European) modernism."
-- Rainer Bauboeck, European University Institute

"For anyone who seeks to understand the roots of the 'deepening crisis of multiculturalism' in Europe, Yolande Jansen's book is required reading. Jansen's brilliant and insightful analysis draws on a variety of fields and lucidly shows how the crisis is a crisis in modernity. Subtly weaving Proust into the argument, she brings a dry subject to life."
-- Brian Klug, University of Oxford


Gender, Migration and Categorisation: Making Distinctions between Migrants in Western Countries, 1945-2010

Edited by Marlou Schrover and Deirdre M. Moloney

Fall 2013
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 573 9
Paperback 280 pages

Open Access

This collective volume describes and analyses distinctions made between migrants in France, the USA, Turkey, Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, Sweden and Denmark through history and how these were justified in policies and public debates. The chapters form a triptych. In three clusters the authors address the problematisation of questions such as ‘who is a refugee’, ‘who is family’ and ‘what is difference’. Though these questions are frequently seen as separate issues, the chapters in this volume show they are not. They intersect in ways that vary according to countries of origin and settlement, economic climate, geopolitical situation, media framing and government policies, as well as by migrants’ own class, gender, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation.

Mobility in Transition: Migration Patterns After EU Enlargement

Edited by Birgit Glorius, Izabela Grabowska-Lusinska and Aimee Kuvik

Summer 2013
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 392 6
Paperback 332 pages
Open Access edition

This volume presents new research on post-accession migration from Central and Eastern Europe in the short period since the EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007. Explanations of post-accession migration patterns, trends and mechanisms delve into the complexities of these phenomena. New groups of migrants and types of migrations are identified -- such as young migrants, often students or graduates, without family obligations and without clear plans concerning their future life. Case studies on Poland, Romania, Hungary and Latvia as well as the United Kingdom and Germany - being major destination countries - divulge the multifaceted nature of transition, whether in the form of labour migration, short-term mobility (including among international students) or return migration. The volume insightfully points towards future migration trends and sets guidelines for further research.


Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations: Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies

Edited by Joan Font and Mónica Méndez

Spring 2013
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 543 2
Paperback 296 pages
Open Access edition

This book examines the special problems involved in surveying immigrant populations and ethnic minorities. Experiences from eight Western countries, involving more than a dozen surveys, are used to explore the difficulties confronted in survey design and some of the choices made to deal with them. The volume’s three main parts examine sampling design, fieldwork and results. The cases covered give rise to a number of valuable lessons, from both local and national surveys, surveys that are well-funded as well as those with more limited means, and on a wide variety of topics ranging from politics to health.

An Introduction to International Migration Studies: European Perspectives

Edited by Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath

January 2013
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 456 5
Paperback 388 pages
€ 42.50

IMISCOE and Amsterdam University Press are pleased to announce publication of this second volume in the IMISCOE Textbook Series. Intended for advanced students of international migration, this 15-chapter volume presents theoretical and empirical perspectives on a range of central topics. The main focus is on European experiences, including Eastern Europe, thus filling a longstanding gap in the field. Unlike people, theories and concepts do not travel easily. This means that scholarship oriented towards countries with longer, older narratives of immigration is not necessarily applicable on all continents.

The first IMISCOE Textbook answered the pressing need for a European perspective on migration. This second volume continues the tradition, offering insights on theoretical perspectives, types of migration and regulation of migration in an accessible textbook format.

Contents: 1. An introduction to international migration studies: European perspectives (Marco Martiniello and Jan Rath). 2. Beyond ‘push-pull’: The economic approach to modelling migration (Dragos Radu and Thomas Straubhaar).  3. Historical-structural models of international migration (Ewa Morawska). 4. Social networks and international migration (Monica Boyd and Joanne Nowak). 5. Transnational migration (Eva Østergaard-Nielsen). 6. Jus sanguinis  and jus soli: Aspects of ethnic migration and immigration policies in EU states (Eftihia Voutira). 7. Migration and social transformation (Stephen Castles). 8. Guest worker migration in post-war Europe, 1946-1974: An analytical appraisal (Ahmet Akgündüz). 9. Skilled migration in Europe and beyond: Recent developments and theoretical considerations (Aimee Kuvik). 10. Environmental migration (François Gemenne). 11. Student migration (Russell King and Allan Findlay). 12. Sunset migration (Russell King). 13. Undocumented migration: An explanatory framework (Joanne van der Leun and Maria Ilies). 14. Whither EU immigration and asylum after the Lisbon Treaty? (Elspeth Guild). 15. The regulation of undocumented migration (Giuseppe Sciortino).


Post-colonial Immigrants and Identity Formations in the Netherlands

Edited by Ulbe Bosma

Fall 2012
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 454 1
Paperback 252 pages
Open Access edition

This book explores the Dutch post-colonial migrant experience in relation to the specific histories and composition of the various migrant groups in the Netherlands and the peculiarities of Dutch society. It surveys over 60 years and three generations of migration history, alongside an impressive body of post-colonial literature, much of which has never before reached an international audience.


The European Second Generation Compared: Does the Integration Context Matter?

Edited by Maurice Crul, Jens Schneider and Frans Lelie

Summer 2012
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 443 5
Paperback 419 pages

Open Access edition

Integration of newcomers is a foremost challenge for contemporary Europe. The ‘second generation’ – children born of immigrant parentage in the country of migration – is crucial in this process, for they constitute a growing and increasingly vocal segment of the metropolitan youth. This book offers an unprecedented look at the real-life place and position of the European second generation in areas ranging from education and labour to social relations, religion and identity formation. Using data collected by the TIES survey in fifteen cities across eight European countries, the authors paint a vivid picture of how the children of immigrants from Turkey, Morocco and former Yugoslavia are progressing. Their findings and cross-national comparisons are demographically compelling and at times revelational.

European Immigrations: Trends, Structures and Policy Implications

Edited by Marek Okólski

Summer 2012
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 457 2
Paperback 286 pages

This book is one of the few attempts to conceive of the ‘Old Continent’ as a common economic and cultural space of immigration. Europe’s post-enlargement states, too, are presented as having a high degree of social and political coherence. New empirical evidence underscores their common experience, while disclosing factors and trends underlying their respective migrations, particularly from Southern and Eastern Europe. Key threads are the long-term transition that countries undergo from net emigration to net immigration, as well as developments in migrant inflows, integration and policy.

Immigration and Social Systems: Collected Essays of Michael Bommes

Edited by Christina Boswell and Gianni D’Amato

Summer 2012
Amsterdam University Press
ISBN 978 90 8964 453 4
Paperback 242 pages

Michael Bommes was one of the most brilliant and original migration studies scholars of our time. This posthumous collection brings together a selection of his most important work on immigration and the welfare state, immigrant integration, discrimination, irregular migration, migrant networks and migration policy research.

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