Summer School on Migration Studies 2025

Geographic Migration Centre, a research institute affiliated with the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, and IOM International Organization for Migration Czechia cordially invites students and young professionals to Prague, for the Summer School on Migration Studies, August 31s - September 6th Prague, Faculty of Science, Charles University

The United Nations Information Centre Prague UNIC is a partner of the program.

The program builds on previous editions of summer schools organized by IOM and the Geographic Migration Centre since 2009 with different partners - IMISCOE, CzechAid, OSCE, UNHCR, US Embassy in Prague, Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic etc. Previous years were attended in total by more than one thousand students and professionals from around one hundred countries. 

The course will be organized physically at Charles University, one of the oldest European universities founded in 1348. Experienced and respected scholars and practitioners will participate in the Summer School while delivering lectures and/or leading seminars, workshops, and panel discussions on issues related to migration. It will be examined from political, economic, sociocultural, demographic, development, geographical, and other perspectives.
This year's event will focus on “Human migration's impact on development and social change”

Take a look at the full call for applications here.

In case of interest, please fill out the ONLINE APPLICATION.

For more information, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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