Open call for PhD students on Migration in the Mediterranean

Deadline: 28th of February

The EuroMedMig Marie-Curie PhD Network has now opened its call for PhD students! They are now looking for candidates for our 12 open positions in 10 different universities:

Applications are open until the 28th of February. We highly encourage early applications.

EuroMedMig PhD Network seeks to promote a sound community of leading Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) in the field of migration and refugees in the Mediterranean region, offering a meeting point for a variety of methodologies, disciplines and levels of analysis, connecting the new generation of outstanding researchers from the South, North, East and West of the Mediterranean, ensuring a plurality of perspectives. EuroMedMig PhD Network seeks to incorporate the Mediterranean as a regional scale of migration research, avoiding research generalisations and knowledge-centrism, with intercultural and humanitarian values as guiding values.

The themes encompassed in the call are wide and allow PhD students to present their unique and singular research proposals. This call looks at promising pioneering research projects with innovative research contributions in the following themes:

Theme 1: Governance, policies and politics
⇒ Theme 2: Taxonomies of motions and drivers of migration
⇒ Theme 3: Social and cultural transformations
⇒ Theme 4: Economy and labour market

In particular, the description of the 12 open positions can be found in the following link: Candidates should only apply to 1 of the 12 open positions. 

  • Type of contract: 3-year full-time (100%) contract as a university employee with full social security coverage.
  • Wage: Marie-Curie standardized wage, as stated by the European Commission (more information can be found in the Call). 
  • The intended starting date of the PhD is September 2025.
  • Deadline: 28 February