The IMISCOE PhD Network Presentation Series - Call for participation

Deadline: 12 February 2021

IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) is Europe's largest interdisciplinary research network in the field of migration, integration and diversity studies. The IMISCOE PhD Network aims to strengthen research and network opportunities for doctoral researchers in the field of migration. In this spirit, the IMISCOE PhD Workshop Group is happy to announce its first call for the Presentation Series.

The IMISCOE PhD Network Presentation Series is an opportunity to master and PhD students to develop better presentation skills as well as learn how to critically analyze and offer feedback to the academic work of their peers. For this aim, the presentation series is structured into two parts. The first part consists of two workshops to learn how to deliver good (academic) presentations and how to be a good discussant. These presentations will take place between February and March 2021 and they will be accessible also for non-presenters. The second part offers early-stage researchers the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from peers. These activities will take place online from April to June 2021.

The participants will be grouped according to their topic of interest. Apart from presenting, participants will also act as discussants. Therefore, it is mandatory for the presenters to read the work of their peers, so they can provide useful feedback. Successful candidates will be invited to submit an extended summary of their presentation (up to 2000 words).

A certificate of participation will be provided. All presentations will be delivered in English.
This event is free of charge and a membership on the IMISCOE PhD Network is not required.

Who can submit a proposal?

If you are:

  1. Finishing your master’s degree or doing a doctoral research and
  2. Your research focuses on migration/mobility/asylum;

Interested candidates are invited to submit an abstract (up to 250 words) of their research and a short bio (up to 200 words; please include your time zone).

In order to have a diverse and inclusive series priority will be given to:

  1. BAME students (in accordance to IMISCOE Statement on structural racism and racial justice in the context of Black Lives Matter)
  2. students who are from or are based in the Global South and
  3. students who have never presented their research in academic events. Please highlight in your short bio if you fill in any, or all, of these priority situations.

How to submit your proposal?

Please send your abstract and a short bio to the following e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 12 February 2021.

Write on the subject line of the e- mail: Presentation series.

Important Dates

12 February, 2021: deadline to submit your proposal
12 March, 2021: notification if your proposal has been accepted
31 March, 2021: submission of the extended summary
April, May, and June 2021: presentations (exact days to be announced)


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