Call for Applications to attend the Online Workshop on Research Methods and Techniques

Deadline abstracts: 1 March 2021

IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration, and Social Cohesion in Europe) is Europe's largest interdisciplinary research network in the field of migration, integration, and diversity studies. In order to foster international networking and knowledge exchange among PhD students, the IMISCOE PhD Network is organizing a workshop to foster improvement on research methods and techniques among young researchers.

This is a great opportunity to discus with peers your research methods and techniques, receive feedback and get acquainted with other students’ research by providing them feedback on their methodology. The common language of the event is English. This event is free of charge and a membership on the IMISCOE PhD Network is NOT required.

Who can join?

Anyone enrolled as a PhD student and researching a topic related to migration, mobility and asylum.

How to join?

Send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the following information:

  • Name 
  • Title and abstract of focusing on the methods/techniques you wish to apply (300 words) 
  • Short bio: university affiliation, level (MA, PhD), research interests, time-zone where you’re currently based
  • Write on the subject line of the e-mail: Methods Workshop


Based on the submission of the short abstract, participants will be grouped according to the method/technique they are using - or according to the specific doubts they have.

Accepted participants must then submit a longer version of the issue(s) they wish to receive feedback about (max. 1.500 words). This longer version will be fully anonymised.

Participants will receive someone’s longer version and your longer version will be sent out to another participant working on a similar issue as yours. To assure the quality of the feedback, together with the longer version, participants will receive a “checklist” of what to pay attention to in a peer-review and tips on how to give feedback.

A meeting date will be agreed upon among all participants. Accepted participants will be contacted via email. In the meeting, each participant presents their comments on the longer version they received. In the workshop session, author(s) can de-anonymise themselves - but that is not mandatory. The duration of the session will depend on the number of participants.

Important Dates

Short abstract deadline: 1 March, 2021
Notification of acceptance: 15 March, 2021
Meeting agreements: 22 March, 2021
Longer version deadline: 9 April, 2021

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