Course in Mixed Methods in Ethnic and Migration Research at Linköping University, Sweden


Mixed Methods in Ethnic and Migration Research

Course leader: Olav Nygård and Kristoffer Jutvik

Duration: 11 November–13 December, On campus week in Norrköping, 25-29 November

Location: Linköping University, Campus Norrköping

Language: English

Study pace: 100%

Application Deadline: 11 October

Course Description

This course addresses dilemmas and difficulties that researchers confront when collecting and interpreting data about migration, ethnic relations, diversity, discrimination, racism and social inclusion/exclusion. The course provides an orientation to the main methodological questions that need to be grasped when conducting research in this field. Different methodological solutions to common research problems will be presented and discussed, covering both quantitative and qualitative methods, including ethnographic research and visual methodologies. The course highlights the cross-disciplinary aspects of migration research as well as the additional demands placed on data collection and sampling, such as ethical requirements and ethical sensitivity associated with different methods. Other key questions covered in the course concern accessibility to and reliability of data, how to handle confidential research material, and specific questions related to multi-strategy research design. Students will also engage with power relations (majority/minority) concerning insider/outsider dilemmas, problems of representation and cross-cultural translation and other, related ethical considerations.


Find out more about the course and how to apply here

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