CfP: The Changing Face of Global Mobility (closes 30 June 2015)

In January 2006 the International Migration Institute (IMI) was founded at Oxford University by Stephen Castles and Steven Vertovec with the aim of developing a long-term and forward-looking perspective on international migration as an intrinsic part of global change. To celebrate the 10th anniversary of IMI, this conference seeks both to review the progress made in reaching these aims and to explore new conceptual horizons for understanding migration processes and their impacts for origin and destination societies.

Conference themes

We welcome papers addressing one or more of these three conference themes. We welcome theoretical and empirical (both quantitative and qualitative) contributions.
The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to advance theoretical understanding of the nature, drivers and impacts of migration processes. We particularly invite contributions addressing questions central to one of the IMI research themes:

Drivers and Dynamics. How do processes of social transformation and development shape human mobility? In what ways are interrelated processes of internal and international migration driven by wider social, economic, technological and political transformations in origin and destination countries? What is the role of origin and destination states in shaping migration processes? To what extent do these insights challenges sedentary assumptions of policy?

Development, inequality and change. What are the implications of migration for development and social transformation in destination and origin societies? In particular, how does migration affect social, cultural and economic change as well as patterns of inequality? Why does migration seem to have more positive development outcomes in some settings, and more negative outcomes in others?

Diaspora, transnationalism and identity. How is globalisation affecting migrants’ ability and ways of sustaining long-distance and potentially inter-generational links with origin societies? How are transnational communities and diasporas formed? How do they impact on people’s identities? To what extent do they challenge conventional models of immigrant integration and the nation state?

IMI research agenda

IMI analyses migration as an intrinsic part of broader global transformation processes rather than a problem to be solved. Such understanding can provide the basis for policies designed to fully realise the potential benefits of migration for individuals and societies. We are interested in the following questions:

  • What stimulates people’s migration?
  • How do they undertake their journeys?
  • How does migration affect societies of origin and destination?
  • Can we anticipate future patterns of migration? 

We pioneer new theoretical and methodological approaches, working with researchers and policy-makers across the world, with a particular emphasis on Africa. IMI also contributes to the teaching of the MSc in Migration Studies along with our colleagues at COMPAS.


Please submit i) a full paper (4,000 – 10,000 words) and an abstract (250 words maximum) or ii) an extended abstract (of at least 2,000 words) by 30 June 2015. All submissions must be in English.
Papers must be submitted electronically through the IMI Conference Webpage.

NOTE: You must first register your details with the submission system in order to submit your paper.
Submitted papers and abstracts will undergo a peer review process coordinated by the Conference Committee.
Authors will be notified of acceptance at the latest by 15 September 2015.

For more information about the conference, including instructions for submission of papers and details about registration, please visit

If you have any queries relating to the conference, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Register for the conference

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