World Refugee Day: 'N-either Refugees, N-or Guests' - RCAC Koç University, 20 June 2015 at 15:00

On Saturday, June 20th, in the occasion of the “World Refugee Day”, the Migration Research Center  at Koç University “Mirekoc” will hold a special event “PhotoShow and Documentary Premiere” to critically engage with Turkey, EU and other States, and main actors’ responses to the Syrian refugee crises. 

According to the latest inter-country report of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), issued on May 7th, 2015, the humanitarian crisis has reached an unprecedented scale: 7.6 million people are internally displaced in Syria, while more than 3.9 million are seeking protection in neighboring Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

The recent Syrian refugee critical situation presented unprecedented challenges and intensified the debates on migration law in Turkey: What is the status of refugees and asylum seeker? Whose responsibility is it to help them? What rights do they have? And how should the financial responsibility be shared?

The event will feature a Photo Show and a Documentary focusing on the impact of the Syrian crisis on Turkey, as a neighboring country, and Turkey’s response to it, followed by a Q&A discussion. 

Photoshow: "N-either Refugees, N-or Guests. Refugees in Camps and in the Urban Space in the Turkish Context" directed by Georgiana Turculet

Documentary Premiere: "We don't Stay in Camps" directed by Yahya Al-Abdullah and Max Harwood

Registration is free and available by RSVP at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by “Attend” at the Facebook event. Refreshments will be provided for all who register.

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