Call for proposal: International Conference ‘New Trends and Directions of Migration’ (Deadline: 30 May 2017)

Venue: NRU Higher School of Economics
Time: October 26-27, 2017
Partners: Oxfam, Centre d'études franco-russe

Migration is one of the most important global phenomena of the modern world, affecting economic, political, social, and cultural processes and giving rise to new phenomena and practices.

Migration takes different shapes and forms. Some countries experience an outward flow of populations, while others undergo a large-scale inflow of migrants and refugees. What issues should scholars focus on today in order to understand migration on the local, national, or even continental scale? What methods need to be employed in such studies? How is migration to be understood in academic research, and what questions must be answered today? We invite scholars from a range of disciplines working in the field of migration studies to take part in this conference. The conference is geared towards an interdisciplinary approach, seeking to bring together experts from a variety of fields, including sociology, history, anthropology, and cultural studies. Among other issues, we expect to discuss the following themes: 1) new directions of migration; 2) forced migration; 3) transformation of urban space under the influence of migration processes; 4) children of migrants and integration of migrants;  5) religion and migration.  The conference focuses specifically on discussion of methodological issues and the results of empirical research. However, it will also include a roundtable ‘Adaptation of Migrant Children’, bringing together scholars, civil society activists, and state officials to discuss practical and theoretical aspects of access to education and other social services for the children of migrants.  

Working languages: English and Russian  


Download pdf file CFP


Submission of papers should include a 250 word abstract and the name and affiliation of the author.  


Applicants are allowed to be the lead presenter of only one paper in the conference.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 30 May (24:00 CET).

All submissions should be made by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Applicants will be informed about acceptance of their submission by 15 June.

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