Call for Papers: “Migration routes and transnational networks and institutions” (Symposium and PhD Course)

We invite abstract submissions for a Senior Researchers Symposium and applications for a PhD course to be held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 8-10 November 2017. The events are organised jointly by the IMISCOE standing committee on Interaction of Migrant Integration and Transnationalism (IMITE) and the Research group Citizenship, Migration and the City (CIMIC) of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Senior Researchers Symposium, 8 November 2017

The symposium will bring together senior researchers who give presentations based on draft papers from original research. Keynote lectures will be given by Prof. Heaven Crawley (Conventry University), Dr. Katie Kuschminder (European University Institute, Florence) and Dr. Joris Schapendonk (Nijmegen University). We invite abstracts for conceptual and/or empirical papers that relate to: Migration routes and transnational networks and institutions

As existing research shows, the routes migrants take in their journey from origin to destination country are often not fixed and planned in advance. Particularly when migrants meet unexpected obstacles (closed borders, etc.) on their journey, they have to improvise, adjust their migration routes or even change their destination. Refugees and other migrants to Europe often follow “stepwise migration routes”: first from origin countries to intermediate stations such as Turkey or Libya, then trying to reach the southern shores of Europe and finally going up north. Moreover, many migrants leave their home country without having fixed ideas about where they are heading to and how they will get there. We are particularly interested in the role of information and support provided by transnational networks or institutions (including human smugglers) in how migrants organize their journey and overcome obstacles during their travel to Europe.

Abstracts of 200-250 words should be submitted by 25 July via the online submission form:

PhD Course, 8–10 November 2017

The three-day PhD course starts with attendance of the Senior Researchers Symposium on 8 November. The second day will contain lectures by senior IMITE researchers and other invited speakers. Also on the second and on the third day, PhD students will present their research in smaller groups under the guidance of a senior IMITE researcher and receive feedback on their work. We invite applications from PhD candidates who engage with the trajectories migrants take and the role of (transnational) social support during their voyages.

Abstracts of 200-250 words should be submitted by 25 July via the online submission form:

Practical info: There is no participation fee for either of the events. Participants will need to cover their own accommodation expenses, but can request partial funding for their travel expenses. The decisions on acceptance and funding will be communicated mid-August. For further questions and practical information, please mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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