CfP research group Diversity, Migration and Social Cohesion

Where: 15th Annual Imiscoe Conference, Barcelona, 2-4 JULY 2018

‘‘Europe, migrations and the Mediterranean: human mobilities and intercultural challenges’’
Session: Social networks in migration studies: theories, methods and research results


IMISCOE Research Group “Diversity, Migration and Social Cohesion (Div/Mig/Soc)”
Dr Marta Kindler (Centre of Migration Research, University of Warsaw)
Dr Aneta Piekut (Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield)


A substantial number of studies mention social networks’ function in facilitating mobility from one country to another or to multiple destinations, and a relatively large number of authors discuss thoroughly social networks’ role in the migration decision-making process (see for example Light and von Scheven 2008, Massey et al. 2014, McKenzie and Rapoport 2010, Palloni, Massey et al. 2001, Riosmena and Massey 2012, van Meeteren and Pereira 2013, White and Ryan 2008, Olwig 2012, Vasta and Kaandilige 2010). Already over two decades ago, Cases and Gurak (1992) pointed in their comprehensive literature review to a growing body of literature on networks’ function in adaptation in the country of destination. They distinguish between the networks’ role in short run adjustment and the integration into main institutions in society in the long run. In the last decade, research on neighbourhoods provides results on the role of migrants' social capital in social cohesion, with social networks treated as a component of social capital (Lancee and Dronkers 2011, Vervoort 2012, Górny and Toruńczyk 2013, Laurence 2013).

Deadline: December 10, 2017.


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