CfP research group Transnational Practices in Migration

Where: 15th Annual Imiscoe Conference, Barcelona, 2-4 JULY 2018

Social class and social inequalities in transnational space (TRANSMIG Panel)


Joëlle Moret (University of Neuchâtel) and Apostolos Andrikopoulos
(University of Amsterdam)


There is a growing consensus among scholars that social class remains undertheorized in the study of migration in general, and transnational processes in particular. The transnationalization of inequalities, the neoliberalization of migration policies and the shifting strategies and aspirations of migrants are indicative of the urgency for migration scholars to use the analytical lens of class that goes beyond a descriptive account of a measurable economic status. This panel invites scholars to submit theoretical or/and empirically grounded papers that critically asses the role of class in transnational processes and migration policies and reflect about the analytical value of class in migration studies. The panel is organised on behalf of the IMISCOE TRANSMIG Research Group (Transnational Practices in Migration). It aims to tackle two central sets of questions:

First, how can traditional approaches to class (Marx, Weber, Bourdieu) be relevant to the study of contemporary migration flows and the attempts by the states to regulate them? How can migration and transnational studies benefit from longstanding debates in social theory about social class, social inequalities and status? Second, how can the study of migration and transnationalism contribute to the same social theory debates? Can the study of migration challenge established orthodoxies in existing theoretical approaches to class? For instance, do transnational analyses of social inequalities, highlighting migrants’ status inconsistencies, challenge current conceptualisations of class and symbolic status and how? How can the study of migration-related phenomena advance the debate on class and point to more nuanced approach?


We welcome abstracts of no more than 250 words including your name, title, email, and institutional affiliation by 11 December 2017 at the latest.

Abstracts must be submitted to Joëlle Moret (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and Apostolos Andrikopoulos This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

The panel will be proposed to IMISCOE on 15 December, and the convenors will let you know about the preliminary acceptance of your paper by that date. The final acceptance of submissions by IMISCOE will be announced on 1 February 2018.
Please note that the conference is open to IMISCOE network members and nonmembers alike, so please feel free to circulate this call also beyond the IMISCOE network.

The conference fee is €200 (€150 for PhD students). Relevant details can be found at

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