Understanding race, racism and antiracism in migration studies, comparatively across Europe and beyond

On behalf of the anti-racism working group, we like to invite you to join our online seminar series. Following the global mobilization against racism, we have put together a webinar series to reflect on migration histories, race and racism and the challenges facing anti-racist work today.

The seminars provide a focused entry point for debates into the multiple and varied histories of colonialism in Europe, as old colonial powers, modern colonial powers, peripheral/failed colonial powers and as historically dominated countries. These three seminars bring together thinkers from across 12 countries to offer state-of-the-art reviews of these issues and stress the commonalities and differences both in historical and contemporary terms and explore the social, cultural and political dynamics underpinning discourses of race. 


Seminar 1: January 15 at 2:00 till 4:00 (CEST):

1a: Netherlands (Darshan Vigneswaran) - UK (Leon Moosavi)

1b: France (Nina Sahraoui) – Italy (Alfredo Alietti)

Chaired by Marco Martiniello


Missed this one? Click here to view the recording.



Seminar  2: February 12 at 2:00 till 4:00 (CEST):

Session 1: Poland (Monika Bobako) - Hungary (Zsuzsa Vidra)

Session 2: Sweden  (Anders Neergaard) – Switzerland (Boulila & Riaño)

Chaired by Guia Gilardoni


Watch this one and go to:





Seminar 3: March 19 at 2:00 till 4:00  (CEST):


Spain  (Zenia Hellgren ) - Portugal (Marta Araújo)


Chaired by Anders Neergaard


Join us:



We are looking forward to engaging with you!


Best wishes,

Anti-racism working group, led by Parvati Raghuram

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