UCLan Research Centre for Migration, Diaspora and Exile Postgraduate Webinar Series 2023

Join the UCLan Postgraduate Webinar Series of 2023!


8 March 15.00-16.00 Join Webinar

‘Privilege and precarity – class experiences of SADC students in South Africa’, by Veera Tagliabue (University of Birmingham)


26 April 15.00-16.00   Join Webinar

‘Necropolitics and border regime in a non-Western context: governing forced migrations in Cameroon’, by Claire Lefort-Rieu (Ceped, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement / Université Paris Cité)


24 May 15.00-16.00   Join Webinar

'Exploring Multilingualism in the USA through Louisiana French and Pennsylvania German', by Holly Rebecca Lawton (UCLan and MIDEX)


7 June 15.00-16.00     Join Webinar

 ‘Where we meet: how site-specific curatorial interventions impact engagement with Black history in museums in Northwest England specifically, Lancaster and Morecambe’, by Kirsty Millicent Theresa Roberts (UCLan and MIDEX)


21 June 15.00-16.00   Join Webinar

‘Landscapes of un/belonging: an empirical psychosocial study of Lithuanian migration to London since the early 1990s’, by Asta Binkauskaite (UCLan and MIDEX)

Reflex_studies Blog

  • From Objects to Subjects: Expanding Reflexivity in Migration Studies

    by Christine Lang Reflexive approaches in migration studies have revealed the problems of traditional constructions of the objects of migration research. Much less attention has been paid to the subjects doing the research and the mechanisms that...

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