January 16th, at 7.30 pm (CET), Online

Cultural Heritage and Mobility from a Multisensory Perspective

Event: Launch of the book Cultural Heritage and Mobility from a Multisensory Perspective, edited by Magdalena Banaszkiewicz and Karolina Nikielska-Sekuła (Divcult member).

The event will be held online, on January 16th, at 7.30 pm (CET). It will be chaired by Nanna Løkka from Telemark Research Institute and will feature two chapter presentations followed by the discussion with prof. Lucas Lixinski (UNSW Sydney) and prof. Michael A. Di Giovine (West Chester University).

Details are in the poster attached, registration through the link is needed to receive an MS Teams link: https://bit.ly/CHMMP


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