Two new publications within IMISCOE Research Series

IMISCOE is happy to announce that recently two new books have been published by Springer International Publishing, these are: Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World: Albanian Migrants and Their Children in Europe by Zana Vathi and Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory to Globalized Nation States, edited by Vermeulen, Baldwin-Edwards and van Boeschoten. Both books are now also to be found in our own digital library.

In addition, four books are expected to go in print very soon:

- P. Scholten, H. Entzinger, R. Penninx, S. Verbeek (Eds.), Integrating Immigrants in Europe: Research-Policy Dialogues
- F. Pastore and I. Ponzo (Eds.), Boundaries, Barriers and Bridges: Comparative Findings from European Neighbourhoods
- R. Penninx and B. Garces (Eds.), Integration Processes and Policies in Europe: A Three-Way Process?
- P. Simon, V. Piché and A.A. Gagnon (Eds.), Social Statistics and Ethnic Diversity: Cross-National Perspectives in Classifications and Identity Politics

Finally, IMISCOE welcomes submissions from researchers who want to contribute to the Research Series. The IMISCOE Research Series includes books in Open Access (OA) as well as non-Open Access books. The choice for either or not having a book published in OA is made by the authors. Springer allows IMISCOE to publish an unlimited number of books in non-OA per year. IMISCOE aims to publish around 6 OA books per year. For OA books, the publisher requires a fee of 5,000 euros (+21% VAT). For people from IMISCOE member institutes, who are also individual member, IMISCOE provides a subsidy of 50% of this OA fee. This leaves 2,500 euros (+21 VAT) for the authors themselves to pay. In case of multi-author books, at least one of the authors must be employed at an IMISCOE member institute, and all co-authors must be individual member.

Open access books will be available free of charge via the IMISCOE and Springer websites ('golden open access'). This will enable the widest possible access to your work, and has a proven positive effect on the dissemination of your work and the chance of your work being referred to. With the rise of Horizon 2020 publishing regulations and with the growing importance of citation indexes (such as Google Scholar), we expect OA to become the standard in academic publishing within a decade. In many cases, authors can also rely on an external fund for covering OA fees.

For further information, please contact Warda Belabas via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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