Call for Papers IMISCOE 2022: Diversity support - structures, motivations and mobilization

Deadline: 9 December, 2021, 13:00

Thematic Focus 

Migration scholars in the European context have traditionally paid close attention to public opinion against immigration and the persistence of racism. In contrast, less attention has been devoted to pro-immigration and anti-racist attitudes and mobilization strategies of social actors. Yet, in many contemporary European societies, majorities are favourably disposed towards urban and national socio-cultural diversity: Many hundreds of thousands recently actively welcomed and supported refugees, and the proliferation of support for Black Lives Matter activities, despite a pandemic, reify this image of rather pro-diversity sentiment. To explore this sentiment and its societal relevance further, this panel invites papers that offer empirical and theoretical contributions to our understanding of such pro-immigrant, pro-diversity phenomena:

  • What motivates those involved?
  • What exactly do people support if they support diversity, anti-racism, or openness to immigration?
  • How do pro-immigration and pro-diversity support structures emerge and what do they look like in modern societies?

In line with ongoing research into diversity assent at the MPI-MMG In Göttingen, we welcome different methodological approaches (from an ethnographic case study to big-data analyses), as well as different analytical foci (public opinion, political actors and movements, organisations) and levels of analysis (local, national, regional).

Please send your 250 word abstract by 9 December (13:00) to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Panel Organizers 

  • Eloisa Harris (Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)

  • Karen Schönwälder (Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity)

In remit of the Diversity Assent in Urban Germany (DivA) project and with the support of project members Lucas Drouhout, Sören Peterman and Steven Vertovec.




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