SC EduSocial is looking for a new PhD representative! Join us.

We are pleased to inform you that our SC EduSocial is expanding its coordination board, hence we are looking for a second PhD representative to join us.

We believe that this is a valuable chance for doctoral researchers to enhance their networking with other PhD peers, engage more actively with IMISCOE activities, and boost their collaboration opportunities with senior scholars.

As the EduSocial PhD representative you will be able to take part in the organisation of the activities we hold during the annual conference, and other activities that we organise throughout the year, writing retreats, workshops and joint publications. Furthermore, you will also have our support to plan other activities that you might find relevant for our PhD students. You can find more about us on our page on the IMISCOE website.

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out the form below by 15 November. 

Why I want to be an EudSocial PhD representative!

Our SC is committed to fostering opportunities for underrepresented groups of students in academia.

We look forward to welcoming you to our team!


Warm regards,

SC EduSocial coordination

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