The IMISCOE Conference 2021 is supporting reforestation in Costa Rica and planting in the Saar/Lux Region. With the donation of 6175€, 343 native trees will be planted in the Cobiga-Corridor-Project. This precious participation will sequestrate 171 t of CO2 in their lifetime!
While video conferencing does emit less carbon than f2f-conferences, nothing has zero emissions and a digital conference is not automatically green. This is why 5€ of your conference fee is going towards planting trees in the rainforests of Costa Rica. This is done in cooperation with the local NGO, which works with locals on reforestation projects to plant a diverse mix of trees and who assures that 100% of the donations go into the project. These trees are ecologically valuable tree species from the Golfo Dulce region that provide habitat and food for many animals.