PhD positions on 'Sport and Nation' at the Erasmus University Rotterdam

The Erasmus University Rotterdam is offering two PhD positions in an interdisciplinary research project 'Sport and National Identity: Changing Citizenship and the Global Battle for Talent'. In this research the focus is on the changing ideas on citizenship and legitimization of nationality in relation to sport.

The main question is: How and why did the number of migrant athletes change over time and how did this constitute the debate on the nation and citizenship in media and society? There are two projects: PhD (1) Increasing number of migrant athletes and citizenship changes in football and its discontent, 1930-2014 and PhD (2) Increasing number of migrant athletes and citizenship changes in the Olympics and its discontent 1894-2014. Applicants should have preferably a background as sociologists and/or media specialists with a strong interest in history or historians with a strong background in sociological and/or media theory.


  • An academic degree (preferably research master) in history, the social sciences or media and communication.
  • A broad knowledge of key theories and perspectives in the field of migration, citizenship and sport.
  • A broad knowledge and mastery of common social scientific and/or historical research methods.
  • Affinity and experience with research; especially historical research; research in the social sciences and/or media and communication research.
  • Excellent proficiency in spoken and written English. Non-English speakers have to meet the
    C1-standards of the Common European Framework (CEF). Including a Proven capacity to write academic English.
  • Strong team-playing, organizational and communication skills.
  • Proven capacity to collaborate and work in a team 
  • Ample experience in international academic settings.

Conditions of employment

Employment starts September 1, 2016. The initial contract will be running for a term of 1.5 years, which - depending on performance – will be extended with a second term of 2.5 years.

The conditions of employment correspond with the CAO Nederlandse Universiteiten (CAO NU). For the job of PhD Candidate (Promovendus) the salary amounts to a maximum of € 2.779,- (grade P) gross per month on a 38 hour per week contract.

The EUR has attractive employment conditions, which include a holiday allowance of 8.0%, an end-of-year bonus of 8.3% and 41 annual vacation days in case of a full workweek. 

Additional information

Additional information about the position can be obtained from: Nelleke Nagtegaal-van den Broek This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (secretary) or Dr. Gijsbert Oonk, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (project leader).

How to apply

To apply, please send your application letter with CV including contact details of two referees, before March 31, 2016 by e-mail to Nelleke Nagtegaal-van den Broek, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Please include “PhD position - Sport and National Identity” in the subject line of your message.

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